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With our courses for refugees at the University of Cologne we want to prepare students for a successful start in a university degree program in Germany - we teach elementary mathematical topics needed in many degree programs (such as Business Administration and Economics, Biology, Chemistry, Geological sciences, Computer science, Engineering and comparable technical matters, Mathematics, Physics, miscellaneous discplines where statistics are need such as Psychology, Social Studies and others, etc.)

Remark: The courses are for free for all participants! But a registration is necessary; see our Course offers.


Target group

Our program is addressed to refugees

  • who have already obtained a degree in their home country that enables them to study in Germany (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung) or
  • who already have studied in their home country and who want resume their studies or who want to start studying a different discipline.

Goals of our math courses

  • Preparing prospective students for pre-study tests and exams (such as TestAs and others)
  • Refreshing refugees' mathematical knowledge - we recap topics from high-school level mathematics that might have been forgotten due to a long break in the studies or after school time
  • Teaching mathematical topis of first semester classes of diverse degree programs in order to make the start at the university easier

Math classes for university degree programs

The program is aimed at refugees who are interested in a (natural sciences) degree program in Germany for which at least elementary mathematical knowledge is obligatory. These are, among others, programs in the following discilplines

  • Business Administration and Economics (BWL und VWL)
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Geological sciences
  • Computer science
  • Engineering and comparable technical matters
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Statistics (e.g. Psychology, Social Studies and other previous mentioned programs such as economics)

A large enumeration of degree programs can be found here (in German):

Math and natural sciences Information and telecommunication sciences Engineering

Programming classes for university degree programs

We offer a programming course teaching C/C++ that is needed for several disciplines as well as it is a very good additional skill for future jobs. Additionally, based on C/C++ programming knowledge other programming languages can be learnt fast and easily.